Ontario, Canada, Algonquins Ink Child Services Pact

Indigenous Services Canada

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, Nigig Nibi Ki-win Gamik, Indigenous Services Canada, and the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

The Algonquins of Pikwakanagan know that, since time immemorial, they have cared for Ninìdjànisinànig (children) and Weshkinìgidjig (youth) in accordance with Omàmiwininì Inàkonigewin (Algonquin Law), and that Ninìdjànisinànig, Weshkinìgidjig, and their Wendjibàdj (families) thrived because they were immersed in their language, connected to the land, and cared for by their people.

Today, the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, its child and family well-being agency, Nigig Nibi Ki-win Gamik, and the governments of Canada and Ontario are celebrating the signing of a coordination agreement pursuant to An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families. The coordination agreement supports the implementation of Pikwakanagan's child and family services law, Nigig Nibi Ki-win.

Nigig Nibi Ki-win has been in force since April 19, 2024, and is recognized as having the force of federal law, in accordance with An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families. Nigig Nibi Ki-win sets out Pikwakanagan's obligations to Ninìdjànisinànig and Weshkinìgidjig to support and protect their Wendjibàdj, and nurture, maintain, and restore connection to family, culture, and the land. Programs, services, and supports have been, and will continue to be, administered and delivered by Nigig Nibi Ki-win Gamik with a culturally grounded and prevention- and family-first approach.

Canada has committed to providing $18,842,506 in annual implementation funding, which will be adjusted annually for inflation and population growth. The First Nation will also receive funding to support start-up and capital. Negotiations for a funding agreement are also underway between Pikwakanagan, Nigig Nibi Ki-win Gamik, and Ontario. Directly investing in Indigenous communities as they lead the reform of child and family services in their communities is essential; Pikwakanagan is in the best position to determine what is important for its people.

Nigig Nibi Ki-win is the result of years of work by Pikwakanagan leadership, staff, and community - with advice and guidance from Pikwakanagan's Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers. For Pikwakanagan, the Nigig Nibi Ki-win represents the First Nation's continued and ongoing authority and obligation to care for Ninìdjànisinànig and Weshkinìgidjig. The signing of this coordination agreement provides a foundation for ongoing collaboration and support for the implementation of Nigig Nibi Ki-win and the future of Pikwakanagan children, youth, and families.

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