Open Call To Make Difference In Forestry

The Hon Julie Collins MP
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

The Albanese Labor Government is inviting forestry industry and researchers to pitch their ideas for part of $5 million in grant funding.

The next Australian Forest and Wood Innovations (AFWI) National Open Call for forest research opens today until 14 April 2025.

The Albanese Labor Government is investing $300 million in the future of the forestry industry, which includes over $100 million for AFWI.

Research through this round of funding can include climate change solutions, sustainable forests, and making the most out of our available wood fibre.

Now is the time for industry and researchers to put their heads together and develop industry-driven research proposals with an end-user focus.

The successful projects will have matching funding from industry or other sources.

Last year's call resulted in 8 successful projects sharing the first $5 million grant and unlocking $8.3 million of matching investment from industry and research partners.

Details on the projects supported in the first round are available at Research projects - Australian Forest and Wood Innovations.

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