OpenET Unveils New Data Tool for Farmers & Ranchers

6 min read

Dwane Roth (right), a fourth generation grain farmer in Finney County, Kansas, stands with nephew Zion (left) in one of their corn fields. Roth's farm became one of the first Water Technology Farms in Kansas around 2016, and he has been using OpenET data for the past few years to track evapotranspiration rates and conserve water.
Photo courtesy of Dwane Roth

A NASA and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-supported research and development team is making it easier for farmers and ranchers to manage their water resources.

The team, called OpenET, created the Farm and Ranch Management Support (FARMS) tool, which puts timely, high-resolution water data directly in the hands of individuals and small farm operators. By making the information more accessible, the platform can better support decision-making around agricultural planning, water conservation, and water efficiency. The OpenET team hopes this will help farmers who are working to build greater resiliency in local and regional agriculture communities. build greater resiliency in local and regional agriculture communities.

"It's all about finding new ways to make satellite data easier to access and use for as many people as possible," said Forrest Melton, the OpenET project scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. "The goal is to empower users with actionable, science-based data to support decisions about water management across the West."

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