Operation Sovereign Borders Monthly Update 28 June

The reporting period is from 01 May 2024 to 31 May 2024.

During this reporting period:

  • Australian authorities intercepted nine people from two maritime people smuggling ventures;

    • Four people from one venture were safely returned to Vietnam in close cooperation with the Vietnamese Government;

    • ​Five people from one venture were safely turned back to their country of departure, consistent with Australia's protection obligations;

  • 0 UMAs were transferred from Australia to a regional processing country as a new arrival;

  • 0 UMAs were transferred from Australia to a regional processing country, returning after a temporary purpose in Australia;

  • 0 UMAs were transferred from a regional processing country to Australia for a temporary purpose or as accompanying family;

  • 0 UMAs voluntarily returned to their country of origin from a regional processing country;

  • 0 UMAs were voluntarily removed to their country of origin from Australia and 0 UMAs were involuntarily removed to their country of origin from Australia;

  • Less than five UMAs were resettled in a third country (less than five from the cohort temporarily in Australia and 0 direct from Nauru).

The processing of UMA protection claims is a matter for the Government of Nauru.

* These statistics reference UMAs who arrived on or after 19 July 2013.

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