Operation won't end without Ukraine demilitarized: Russia

The special military operation in Ukraine has its goals and they must be achieved," said Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov when asked how long Russia's Ukraine attack will last.

In a televised address early on Friday Russia's President Vladimir Putin ordered a "military operation" in Ukraine's east but the Russian military has since broken through the Ukrainian state border in a number of places, in the north, south and east, including from Belaru, and shelled cities and civilian infrastructure deep inside the country.

"How long it will take will be determined by the Supreme Commander Russian President Vladimir Putin", Dmitry Peskov noted, adding he cannot disclose military information.

After Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, Russian cruise missile strikes rained down on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, including residential apartment blocks deep inside Ukraine.

Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs said earlier Russian military has broken through the Ukrainian state border in the Kiev region.