Orange Adventure Playground Upgrade Completed

Orange Council

Upgrades to the Orange Adventure Playground have been officially opened at a ceremony at the facility this morning.

PLAYTIME: MLC Stephen Lawrence and Deputy Mayor Tammy Greenhalgh cut the ribbon with Councillors Gerald Power, Marea Ruddy, Steven Peterson and Melanie McDonell.

♦ Upgrades to the Orange Adventure Playground have been officially opened

♦ The $2.5 million upgrade focused on the main play areas and central meeting area, splash park and water play area, and new picnic tables and seating.

♦ Parts of the original playground that were suitable for reuse were included in the new design, including the Liberty Swing, wooden turrets and other timber features.

NSW Labor MLC Stephen Lawrence, Orange Deputy Mayor Tammy Greenhalgh and Orange City Councillors visited the playground to mark the completion of the $2.5 million project to revitalise the playground.

The project focused on upgrading the main play areas and central meeting area, installing a splash park and water play area, and new picnic tables and seating.

Funding for the upgrade came from three NSW Government grants and Orange City Council:

  • $1.256 million – NSW Government's Resources for Regions Program
  • $400,000 – NSW Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund (splash park)
  • $485,280 - NSW Government's Places to Play Grant
  • $388,000 – Orange City Council

Orange Mayor Tony Mileto was delighted to see the new upgrades to the facility and thanked the NSW Government for its support of the project.

"The Adventure Playground is one of the most popular play facilities in Orange for families from across the Central West and I'm thrilled to see this amazing new facility, which will be enjoyed by children of all ages for many years to come," Cr Mileto said.

NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said the NSW Government invested over $2.1 million to deliver the new Orange Adventure Playground alongside Orange City Council.

"The already popular play space now boasts a splash park, water play zone and new picnic area which are sure to help create lasting memories for many families," Mr Scully said.

"Open spaces like this bring local communities together and are essential to support growing populations.

"I'm excited to see the Orange community make the most of their new Adventure Playground."

MLC, Stephen Lawrence said the new Orange Adventure playground is sure to deliver decades of family fun.

"The original playground served the community well for 22 years, but they were well overdue for an upgrade," Mr Lawrence said.

"The space has been transformed breathing fresh life into park so it can remain a family favourite for decades to come."

The upgrade was designed by Civille Pty Ltd after consultation with the community and the original Adventure Playground committee in 2022 and 2023, and the project was completed by Daracon Landscaping and its contractors.

"The original playground provided decades of enjoyment, but after 22 years of use and exposure to the elements it was rapidly deteriorating, while community demand for an upgraded facility had increased. I'm sure members of the community will be pleased with the results," Cr Mileto said.

Parts of the original playground that were suitable for reuse were included in the new design, including the Liberty Swing, wooden turrets and other timber features.

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