Orange City Council has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The appointment was announced by Orange Mayor Cr Reg Kidd following a special meeting of the council last night (10 September).
"I am pleased to announce the position will be filled by Mr David Waddell," Cr Reg Kidd said.
"David brings a wealth of skills to the position and there are exciting times ahead for the city."
"David is an experienced local government professional who has been working at Orange City Council as the Director of Development Services since 2009."
LEADERSHIP : New Orange City Council CEO David Waddell
Mr Waddell has been acting General Manager at Orange since the resignation of the former GM, Garry Styles, in May this year.
Accepting the position Mr Waddell said he was honoured to accept the new position.
"It is a great honour. We live in a great city with a bright future," David Waddell said.
"We have a great team with talented and dedicated staff. We have 12 councillors with great connections in the community focussed on making sure Orange remains a great place to live and work.
"Like any regional city, we have some challenges around water, the retail sector, housing and managing growth. But, balance that, we also have some great opportunities including the life sciences precinct, the OC Future City project, a $25 million sporting complex to build, the significant potential of the former hospital site, the extension of the Southern Feeder Road and the proposed Planetarium/Conservatorium.
"I'm delighted that Orange is a city with momentum. This Council has a lot of work ahead of it, and it's a journey we'll be taking along with the community."