Orange's Rainbow Festival Pride Party Returns Bigger, Brighter, And Bolder With Newly Announced Headliners

Orange Council

Orange's most colourful celebration is about to hit new heights, with the Rainbow Festival Pride Party returning bigger, brighter, and bolder in 2025-now with newly announced host Joel Creasey, and headliner Odette.

Hosted by Orange City Council, the all-out Pride Party will light up McNamara Street on Saturday 22 March, with the incomparable Joel Creasey guiding the night's festivities. Musical acts include ARIA-nominated Odette ("Watch Me Read You", "Feverbreak") and up and coming electro-pop duo Sumner ("South", "Stranded") with a DJ set. Closing out the evening is DJ Jimi the Kween, spinning crowd favourites and dance anthems.

Orange Mayor Tony Mileto encouraged everyone to come together and celebrate in style:

"It's fantastic to see the Pride Party becoming such a highlight in our city's event calendar. It's a real celebration of diversity and inclusion in Orange, and I can't wait to see the community come together to show their pride."

This year's Pride Party is part of Orange's expanded five-day Rainbow Festival, running from Wednesday 19 to Sunday 23 March, which celebrates inclusion, acceptance, and the local LGBTQIA+ community.

Alongside the Pride Party, other highlights include the vibrant Rainbow Walk and Community Gathering, a queer film festival, drag queen bingo, comedy nights, and even a doggie drag queen day out.

The details:

Rainbow Festival Pride Party

McNamara Street, Orange

Saturday 22 March, 5pm - 10pm

Hosted by Joel Creasey | Featuring Odette + Sumner and DJ Jimi the Kween

Tickets are $25, 18+

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