OSCE Boosts Local Environmental Governance in Albania


The OSCE Presence in Albania has completed a series of thematic training sessions aimed at enhancing environmental inspection and control at the municipal level. The initiative is part of ongoing efforts to strengthen environmental governance and security across the country.

Held in Tirana (4 March), Elbasan (11 March), Lezha (18 March), and Gjirokastra (25 March), the training sessions gathered around 120 municipal representatives, fostering dialogue with key national institutions, including the National Environmental Agency, National Forestry Agency, the Agency for the Support of Local Self-Governance, the Central Inspectorate and the National Inspectorate for Territorial Protection.

The discussions focused on legal frameworks, inspection procedures, inter-institutional coordination and best practices in environmental monitoring, forestry inspections and pollution control. "The training series reaffirms the OSCE Presence's commitment to enhancing municipal capacities and strengthening collaboration between central and local institutions to safeguard Albania's natural resources," said Elton Qendro, the project manager.

The training series was organized under the OSCE Presence's project "Enhancing environmental governance and security in Albania" funded by Norway, France and Italy. The project provides national and local authorities with the necessary knowledge and tools to improve environmental protection and enforcement efforts.

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