OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum Opening Session UK statement

Thank you, Mr Chair.

Dear Deputy Minister, Ambassador, Secretary General,

The UK would like to thank the Polish Chairmanship and the Office of the Coordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities for convening this preparatory meeting, on a theme which the UK delegation sees as particularly timely and important.

Since the start of the pandemic, all our nations have faced substantial challenges. In the UK businesses and schools have had to close as the restrictions put in place to stop the spread of the virus caused the largest fall in annual GDP in 300 years.

But the COVID vaccines have given us a realistic way forward to restart our economies and our lives. As we do so, we must grasp the historic opportunity before us: to learn the lessons of this pandemic and build back better. The formula for success can be seen in the collaboration between industry, science and government that led to the production of the vaccines. Strong and active government investing massively in science and technology, coupled with a dynamic enterprise economy that embraces the instincts and know-how of the private sector. This formula has been central to much of our region's success since the industrial revolution.

Yet in this post-industrial era the distribution of opportunity has failed to match the distribution of talent. As we build back better, the UK's plan for growth will focus on three pillars of investment to act as the foundation on which to build our economic recovery, and address this geographical imbalance.

First, high quality infrastructure - crucial for economic growth, boosting productivity and competitiveness. Second, skills - the best way to improve people's life chances. And third, innovation - which drives economic growth and creates jobs.

In pursuing economic growth, we need to do things differently. We need to drive growth that is green, to fulfil our commitment to be the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better condition than we found it.

I look forward to sharing more details on these plans over the next two days, and in our discussions to come.

Thank you.

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