OSCE Urges Effective Action on FBiH Domestic Violence Law


The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mission) commends efforts by authorities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) to improve the legal framework related to gender-based violence in FBiH. The newly adopted FBiH Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women (Law) introduces measures to improve institutional responses to domestic violence and violence against women and provide protection to victims. To ensure proper implementation of the Law, the Mission recommends the FBiH Government, particularly the Ministries of Justice, Interior, Labour and Social Policy, and Health, to swiftly adopt necessary bylaws. Institutions must also ensure first responders have the capacity to implement the Law effectively, including proper training for the police and judiciary. Consistent and effective implementation of Law is critical in preventing violence against women, ensuring victims receive protection they need and holding perpetrators accountable. The Mission calls on the FBiH Parliament to fulfil its legislative and oversight responsibilities to guarantee full and timely implementation.

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