The City of Canada Bay has adopted its first overarching Resource Recovery and Waste Strategy, setting out a pathway towards zero waste to landfill.
The strategy was officially adopted at the City of Canada Bay's July 20, 2021 Council meeting, and will focus on transitioning to a circular economy.
"In this strategy, we commit to a future with zero waste to landfill and to ensuring resources are valued in a circular economy.
"We will recycle and reuse more, improve our waste services, reduce litter and illegal dumping, and lead by example in Council operations," Mayor Angelo Tsirekas said.
The strategy follows extensive consultation, including written and in-person feedback from more than 600 members of the community.
"97 per cent of residents said that reducing waste to landfill was important, with 87 per cent ranking sending waste to landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions as even more important than the cost or convenience of waste services," he added.
"Community education, as well as reducing food waste through additional composting or collecting food from households were also important to our residents."
Council used this feedback to inform the strategy, which includes goals to:
- Send less waste to landfill and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Recycle and reuse more
- Continuously improve our waste management and resource recovery services
- Reduce litter and illegal dumping
- Lead by example in Council operations.
One of the key actions is to recover as much food waste as possible through composting programs and future collection contracts.
The strategy also sets out actions and targets for Council to lead by example in its own operations through purchasing more locally recycled content, including trials of used glass and plastics in roadworks.
Residents can view the strategy online at