Our Position On Glass-only Recycling Bin Service

Manningham Council

We are one of 31 Victorian Councils calling on the State Government to reconsider the requirement of a kerbside glass recycling bin for all households by 1 July 2027.

As a group, Councils are advocating for the mandatory implementation of the fourth glass-only bin service to be postponed and reconsidered.

We are concerned about the cost implications for our community and want to see the State Government release its business case for the service and delay its commencement date until Councils have had time to review it appropriately.

The cost to implement a fourth glass-only bin service is estimated at $4 million, plus, on average, $27 per household per year.

As an advocacy group, Councils sent a joint a letter to the Minister for Environment, the Hon. Steve Dimopoulos, late last year, which outlined the findings of a Council investigation on the feasibility of the service in comparison to alternative options for glass recycling.

The investigation found that expanding the existing Container Deposit Scheme to include wine and spirit bottles would provide similar circularity benefits to a glass-only bin service, without passing on excessive costs to Councils and residents.

We want to see the State Government listen to Councils' concerns and consider alternative options before forcing the implementation of a glass-only kerbside recycling bin.

As part of our advocacy for Manningham on this important issue, we have also submitted a motion to the Municipal Association of Victoria to repeal the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 provisions, which mandate Victorian Councils provide a glass-only service to households.

You can find out more about this motion in the 25 February Council Meeting Minutes. See Item 13.2, MAV State Council Motions.

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