In a year of uncertainty and upheaval, with an ongoing pandemic and extreme weather events, Council has developed a new plan to make our community more resilient.
Following positive community feedback, Council has amended and endorsed Resilience Strategy - Withstand. Adapt. Thrive.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said the strategy sets out key directions that will help the community prepare for current and future challenges.
"Our community, like the rest of Australia, has experienced its fair share of environmental, economic, and social challenges in recent years," Mayor Regan said.
"From the recent floods to the global pandemic, and the associated economic impacts, the past few years have been incredibly tough. These events have reminded all of us of the need to plan and prepare for future challenges.
"Our resilience strategy will better prepare the community for any shocks and stresses that threaten our way of life, especially as we anticipate even greater challenges from climate change.
"We are committed to working with the community to build resilience and improve our capacity to respond to future threats and challenges."
The evidence-based strategy was developed following extensive community engagement, including a telephone survey, online surveys, focus groups, workshops, and youth engagement sessions. Overall, more than 1,300 community members contributed to the development of the Resilience Strategy.
The Strategy establishes seven key strategic directions:
- Planning for our future - resilient land use planning to reduce the impact of natural hazards and create housing, employment, education, and transport options to meet the needs of the community
- Get ready Northern Beaches - our community understands the risks they face and works together to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from significant disruptions
- Connect for strength - we look after each other in good times and bad and care for those who may need extra support
- A strong and dynamic local economy - our local economy is diverse and offers rich opportunities for innovation education and career growth and community vitality
- Adaptive services, assets, and infrastructure - we partner with key agencies and providers to protect our diverse portfolio of services, assets, and infrastructure so we can continuously meet community needs despite significant disruptions
- A resilient natural and built environment - we live in balance with our natural and built environments and proactively take steps to protect and enhance our environment, cool our suburbs, and green our buildings
- Activated places and spaces - our safe and accessible public places and spaces support our social, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
Council will develop a Resilience Action Plan which will detail all the projects and actions Council will take to meet the objectives of our Resilience Strategy.