Outsiders Join Helsinki University Board for 2026-2029

University of Helsinki

Sanni Lehtinen, Mari Pantsar, Juha Tuominen and Antti Vasara were selected as University Board members.

(Image: Linda Tammisto)

In its meeting on 19 March 2025, the University Collegium of the University of Helsinki selected the external members of the University Board for the term 1 January 2026-31 December 2029. The members are:

Lehtinen, Sanni

Sanni Lehtinen, MSSc, is the Executive Director of METKA, the Student Union of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Lehtinen is a member of the Board of the University of Helsinki in 2022-2025.

Pantsar, Mari

Mari Pantsar, PhD, is the chair of the Board of Kari & Pantsar Co and has previously served, among other positions, as a director at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Pantsar is a member of the Board of the University of Helsinki in 2022-2025.

Tuominen, Juha

Juha Tuominen, MD, is the chair of the Finnish Brain Foundation. Previously, he served as the CEO of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), among others.

Vasara, Antti

Antti Vasara, DSc (Tech), serves as the CEO of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (until June 2025). He also serves as a member of, among others, the Research and Innovation Council and the executive board of the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO).

The Collegium selected members from outside the University community based on the notification of interest procedure. At the notification deadline, 42 individuals had expressed their interest.

The next Board of the University of Helsinki for the period 2026-2029 will consist of ten members, six of whom will be elected from within the University community and four from outside the University community. Two professors, two representatives of other teaching and research staff and other staff will be selected through an internal election to be held in autumn 2025 at the University. In addition, the Student Union elects two student representatives to the Board.

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