Over the last two months we invited you put in your expressions of interest to participate in a 220-member Representative Community Panel, to provide us with key insights and feedback about the issues and needs impacting different community members and businesses.
The recruitment also involved sign-ups for the deliberative engagement arm of the panel, a Collaborative Engagement Group, who'll meet up to six times a year over the next two years to discuss and share their feedback on complex local issues and key strategic plans.
Expressions of Interest closed on Monday 27 March and we are thrilled that 617 of you sign up to participate.
We hired independent consultants Sortition Foundation to recruit a panel that is as representative as possible of the demographics of our community considering information like:
- People's ages
- Genders
- Geographic locations
- Cultural heritage
- Education
- Whether they're a resident/business operator
- And more
In the next week or two both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified about the outcome by Sortition Foundation. Council will then follow up with the successful applicants to let them know what's next.