Pacific Defense Unveils MCS2090VP Command System

Pacific Defense


Pacific Defense, a leader in Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) solutions, announces the MCS2090VP, a 3U OpenVPX™ multi-waveform command and control (C2) multi-mission, multi-domain system aligned with the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA™) Technical Standard. The MCS2090VP is a part of Pacific Defense's Networked and Encrypted Resilient Versatile Engine (NERVE) family of systems that provides scalable communication and computation to support multi-echelon, radio cross-banding, and simultaneous voice and data communications. Such support, as well as critical interoperability and redundancy, is achieved using communication waveforms hosted on C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS) based tactical radios and single board computers. It manages and shares voice and C2 data across applications to provide a common operating picture for commanders at the tactical edge in disrupted, disconnected, intermittent and low-bandwidth (DDIL) environments. The MCS2090VP extends Pacific Defense's product portfolio offering a rugged, high-performance multi-function mission system that unlocks rapid innovation across the defense industry.

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MCS2090VP OpenVPX™ Multi-Waveform Command and Control Mission System | Pacific Defense  </div> <p>Why It Matters</p> <p>The MCS2090VP is a MOSA solution that maximizes access to multi-vendor technology and provides more flexibility in upgrading and fielding new commercial technologies. A Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) C2 mission system aligned with the CMOSS standard represents a significant step forward in the United States Army's efforts to modernize its C2, communication and electronic warfare capabilities using commercial solution offerings and Other Transaction Authority (OTA). It enables an acquisition model that provides a flexible, efficient, and cost-effective solution ready for integration of advanced technologies into military platforms. It also enables the rapid deployment of secure communications across a wide range of military programs, including those aligned with the U.S. Army's CMOSS Mounted Form Factor (CMFF) initiative. The mechanical dimensions of the MCS2090VP support an easy installation in light tactical wheeled vehicles or track platforms within the envelope of the legacy SINCGARS AN/VRC-92 Dual Long Range VHF radio system, or various other high-performance platforms for ground, airborne, and naval applications.</p> <p>Advanced Tactical Communication</p> <p>The MCS2090VP supports Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) capabilities through Silvus' MN-MIMO and TrellisWare TSM™ field-tested waveform technologies and can facilitate future NSA Type-1 certified radios. It enables advanced, resilient communication with an SBU-E (Sensitive but Unclassified - Encrypted) network at the tactical edge to ensure commanders have a common operating picture at the tactical edge even in disrupted environments. The MCS2090VP also has a wide range of communications and compute capabilities, all controlled with a single user interface (UI). It can accommodate a wide range of COTS amplifiers and antennas dependent upon the waveform requirements.</p> <p>

Unified User Interface

The MCS2090VP incorporates a unified UI across multiple functions and radios. Applications such as CodeMettle for NetOps compatible with the Unified Network Operations (UNO), Mounted Mission Command - Software (MMC-S) for Joint Battle Command (requires U.S. Army approval) - Platform (JBC-P) support or Local TAK server, VIASAT NetAgility software for robust, resilient, and automated PACE communications paths, and REDCOM tactical secure voice conferencing and Instant Connect Enterprise™ (ICE) for radio crossbanding, all come pre-installed on the MCS2090VP and support Department of Defense's Software Acquisition Pathway, or SWP procurement model. These are paired with a broad ecosystem of SOSA-aligned solutions, developed using microservices architecture that dynamically adapt to mission requirements. Optionally, with additional plug-in card and software, Pacific Defense can integrate Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Awareness and Force Protection Electronic Attack (FPEA) capabilities to eliminate the extra systems needed to effectively manage and monitor tactical communications and mitigate the threat of electromagnetic interference. These mission applications are supported by Pacific Defense's CharybdisOS™ operating environment, an open, modular, plug-in architecture aligned with the SOSA Technical Standard. The modular, open-architecture design provides adoption of the latest hardware and software solutions to maintain a competitive advantage.

Key Features of the MCS2090VP:

  • 3U OpenVPX™ SOSA-aligned, fully CMOSS-compliant mission system
  • Supports Silvus MN-MIMO and TrellisWare TSM™ waveforms
  • Future waveform support on NSA-certified technology
  • Configured with a suite of NETOPS applications
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