Paid Agents Consultation 7 February

Fair Work Commission

In January last year, our President Justice Hatcher established the Paid Agents Working Group to review the procedures applicable to the participation of paid agents in proceedings.

The group released its report and recommendations in September following a written submissions process and several public consultations. Justice Hatcher accepted the working group's recommendations in a Statement accompanying the report.

Justice Hatcher is leading the implementation of the recommendations together with Commissioner Johns, the National Practice Lead for unfair dismissal and general protections cases.

Consultation on implementation of the recommendations

We are consulting further on the implementation of the recommendations from the report. In particular, the implementation of recommendations 2 and 3.

Recommendation 2 - Disclosure of costs arrangements at the commencement of conciliation processes.

Recommendation 3 - Enhancement of information about representation on the Commission's website.

A public consultation will take place on 20 February 2025 in Melbourne. Commissioner Johns will invite feedback on draft fact sheets, checklists and information to be added to the Commission's website about paid agents . These will be made available on the paid agents consultation page and added to this news item. We will also notify registered attendees when the documents are available.

Attending the consultation

We invite interested parties to attend the in-person consultation. The consultation will take place on Thursday 20 February 2025 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (AEDT) in Melbourne.

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