Orange Council
Paid parking has returned to the Ophir Car Park from Thursday 1 February after the end of the holiday period.
While paid parking will return to the Ophir Car Park, 36 spaces on the Kite and Moulder Street fringes of the car park will remain as free 2-hour spaces. All other spots will stay as all-day car parks and will cost drivers $3/day to park.

PARKING: 2-hour free parking zones can be found on the Kite St and Lords Place sides of the Ophir car park.
Long-term parking permits can be purchased from Orange City Council's customer service desk:
- 1 month = $44.50
- 3 months = $133.50
- 6 months = $272.50
There are still many options for free all-day parking in the streets and other car parks around the CBD, including the Railway Station, McNamara Street Peisley St car parks.
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