Paint Town FEMME

Kiama Council


Kiama Council is celebrating International Women's Week (2 to 8 March) by commissioning talented female artists to 'Paint the Town Femme'.

This art project highlights the incredible artistic abilities of women while transforming our public spaces across the Municipality.

Locations include the wall of our own council administration building on Morton Lane as well as electricity substation next to Kiama Library and Blue Haven Bonaira.

Another is our beloved Old Fire Station, where our artists will be adding new panels on the outside of the art gallery. It's the first update the panels have had in 25 years.

Our fabulous women artists are:

  • Claire Foxton
  • Mandy Schöne-Salter
  • Aunty Jodie Stewart
  • Holly Sanders
  • Savanah Detheridge

Feel inspired and want to paint femme? Join our Women's Week art workshop:

Brush & Bloom: Art Workshop

Thursday, 6 March 2025, 10am to 12.30pm

Joyce Wheatley Centre

Paint the Town Femme has been made possible through the funding support of Kiama Council and the NSW Government.

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