Painting Life: Margaret Olley And Works From Collection

Tweed Shire Council

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Photo 1: Pineapple flowers and pears

Margaret Olley (1923–2011) Pineapple flowers and pears 2001oil on board, 76 x 76cm Gift of the Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation Ltd. and the Friends of Tweed Regional Gallery and Margaret Olley Art Centre Inc., with funds contributed by the Tweed Regional Gallery Donations Fund, 2016 Tweed Regional Gallery collection

© Margaret Olley Art Trust

Photo 2: Wildflowers and pears

Margaret Olley (1923–2011) Wildflowers and pears c.1973 oil on board, 65 x 76cm Purchased through the bequest of Phoebe McNamara and the Tweed Regional Gallery Donations Fund, 2019 Tweed Regional Gallery collection

© Margaret Olley Art Trust

Photo 3: Hawkesbury Wildflowers

Margaret Olley (1923–2011) Hawkesbury Wildflowers I 1970 oil on board, 76.5 x 101.8cm Gift of the Friends of Tweed Regional Gallery and Margaret Olley Art Centre Inc., 2021 Tweed Regional Gallery collection © Margaret Olley Art Trust

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