Australian Conservatives Release
Cory Bernardi and the Australian Conservatives have the runs on the board for pro-South Australian policy, Conservative Party senate Rikki Lambert says, as the Queensland showman prepares to visit Adelaide tomorrow.
"Like defecting Jacqui Lambie and Glenn Lazarus before him, a disgruntled SA Palmer senate candidate has already belled the cat that Mr Palmer will announce in Adelaide his plans for nuclear power for SA," Mr Lambert said.
"Yet again - as with the Conservatives' strident exposure of Chinese communist government influence in Australia for two years - Mr Palmer seeks to lift another Conservative Party policy and claim it is his own idea."
Conservative Party leader and homegrown South Australian senator Cory Bernardi has a Bill before parliament to lift the Greens' 20 year ban on exploring zero-carbon nuclear power, and built a business case with MIT for pairing nuclear with desalination for water security and food production in South Australia's west.
Intriguingly, sixty seven years ago another South Australian statesman and visionary, Sir Thomas Playford proposed nuclear power in the State's Upper Spencer Gulf - a vision that has not yet become a reality.
"I've been from Port Lincoln to Yorketown to Renmark to Mount Gambier so far this campaign, and many places in between, and you see the benefits of Playford's vision for SA in the pipelines running across the state for water security. The Australian Conservatives want to make the South Australian lion roar again, but some seem to think its Queensland celebrity politicians that have the solutions we need."
"As I've been saying in my campaign as lead senate candidate for South Australia this election, South Australian voters need to look to the modern, home-grown South Australian visionaries with the courage to advocate solutions that work."
"What I will never stand for is Queensland franchises launching maroon parachutes into South Australia's senate seats, nor media outlets fawning over big ad purchasers with plagiarised proposals instead of recognising the leadership of South Australia's own."
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