Palmerston: Arrest in Stolen Vehicle Pursuit

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested a 20-year-old male in relation to a stolen motor vehicle early this morning in Palmerston.

Around 2:10am, a stolen Kia Sorento SUV failed to stop at a traffic apprehension along the Stuart Highway and a police pursuit was initiated.

The stolen Kia collided with a light pole at the intersection of Roystonea Avenue and Temple Terrace before driver abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot.

Strike Force Trident members located and arrested the 20-year-old male.

St John Ambulance attended and conveyed the male to Palmerston Regional Hospital under police supervision for assessment and blood tests.

The offender has been issued a Notice to Appear and will face court at a later date.

Police continue to urge anyone who witnesses a crime or anti-social behaviour to make contact on 131 444.

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