Panel Suggests Changes to South Geelong UDF Amendment

Community members can now view the independent panel's report on Amendment C432ggee, which proposes to implement the South Geelong Urban Design Framework (UDF) into the planning scheme.

In August 2024, Council requested that the Minister for Planning appoint an independent panel to review all 51 submissions from the community and give advice. Seventeen submissions were supportive, 32 objected or requested changes and two provided comments only.

The South Geelong UDF, adopted by Council in 2022, aims to increase housing diversity and accessibility, while preserving places of heritage significance.

The amendment proposes changes such as expanding the South Geelong Increased Housing Diversity Area, extending the Heritage Overlay to nearly 200 additional properties, and rezoning new 'Key Development Areas' (Moorabool Street and the Station Precinct) to the Mixed Use Zone.

The independent panel met in November 2024, where submitters had the opportunity to present to the panel. The report confirms the panel's support for Amendment C432ggee.

The panel concluded that the amendment is strategically justified and takes a balanced approach to meeting community expectation and housing needs.

The City's extensive consultation process and changes made in response to community feedback were acknowledged in the report, while some minor amendments were also recommended.

Executive Director Placemaking Tennille Bradley

We appreciate the independent panel taking the time to speak to submitters and review all community feedback on Amendment C432ggee.

Residents are invited to read the panel's report.

The City is reviewing the panel's recommendations and will prepare a report for the 22 April meeting, where Council will decide whether the amendment should be adopted.

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