Politicians have a tough job and receive a steady stream of critical messages from their constituents. This Christmas, hundreds of parents are sending a different message, saying thank you and sharing good news with local members of parliament. 'Send your MP some good news' is an initiative of My Christian School that is encouraging parents and teachers to bring some good news to their political representatives.
One parent shared:
"I appreciate what you do on my behalf, and the sacrifice you make to often be away from your family and friends to undertake this work. It is often thankless and high pressure, and people tend to only focus on the negative and are quick to criticise. So I want to take this opportunity to thank you and let you know that you are appreciated. The sacrifice you make is noticed, and the work you do matters. Your service looking beyond yourself matters."
Mark from Western NSW wrote this message:
"Too often there is little joy in being a politician. The pressures of public office are enormous, much more so than they were 50 years ago. So this Christmas I want to thank you for your representation. While we inevitably won't agree on all issues, I simply encourage you to do your best for the good of society."
"It's counter-cultural, but thankfulness is at the heart of our response to the gospel as we remember with thanks what God has done for us," said Mark Spencer, Director of Public Policy at Christian Schools Australia.
My Christian School is a grassroots movement that was launched in response to proposals from the Australian Law Reform Commission that could impact the ability of Christian schools to hire Christian teachers and staff. The Federal Government will be announcing its response to the Commission's final proposals early in 2024.
Parents and teachers have also been writing to their MPs with about how faith makes a difference to the lives of young people at Christian schools. Ruth wrote:
"I am a parent and also a former student of a Christian school, and I can honestly say I would not be alive today if it wasn't for the love, care, and grace shown to me by the amazing Christian teachers at the school. I had so many people demonstrate a real and living faith to me – when I hit the lowest point in the darkness of depression after losing a classmate in a motorcycle accident, they reached out with words of wisdom from the Bible to give me hope and strengthen my faith in God."
"At Christmas, Christians are reminded that Jesus came to share Good New for all people," said Vanessa Cheng, Executive Officer of the Association for Australian Christian Schools. "and our schools want to keep sharing this good news to young people and their families into the future."
Anyone can quickly send a message to their MP via the My Christian School website . The form will be open until Christmas Eve.