UN Climate Change News, 30 March 2022 -With the focus of the UN Climate Change process firmly on implementing the Paris Agreement, the role of the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee (PAICC) in the coming years will be critical in helping to facilitate individual and collective progress towards the Paris Agreement goals.
The Committee met in a hybrid format on 8-10 March 2022 at the UN Climate Change secretariat in Bonn for its first meeting of the 2022-2023 biennium, looking to build on the experience gained thus far and to assess the challenges ahead in preparation for this year's UN Climate Change Conference COP 27/CMA 4 in November in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
The Committee re-elected Ms. Christina Voigt from Norway and Mr. Haseeb Gohar from Pakistan as Co-Chairs by acclamation, thanking them for advancing work leading to the successful adoption of the rules of the Committee relating to its institutional arrangements at COP26.
"The Committee is an important part of the Paris Agreement architecture. It provides Parties with a forum to facilitate implementation and to address compliance challenges. The Committee has important work to do this year in finalizing its remaining rules of procedure and planning its future work and I look forward to supporting the committee in delivering on these tasks," said Ms. Voigt.
Haseeb Gohar said: "I am deeply committed together with Christina and others to facilitate and promote compliance with the Paris Agreement provisions and limit Earth's temperature within the desired range. I look forward to working towards making 1.5 a reality."
Under the leadership of the Co-Chairs, the Committee discussed a wide variety of issues, ranging from how the Committee will engage with Parties in facilitating implementation and promoting compliance to the concrete measures that the Committee will take to that end.
It also adopted its work programme for the 2022-2023 biennium, under which one of the key deliverables is the finalization of the Committee's remaining rules of procedure for adoption by CMA 4.
The result of the meeting was a refined version of the rules, which will be streamlined further at the next hybrid meeting of the Committee on 10-12 May 2022. The rules will set the working methods for the Committee to engage with Parties efficiently and effectively, while ensuring fairness and transparency.
The Paris Agreement established the Committee to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance with its provisions. The Committee is expert-based and facilitative in nature. It consists of twelve members and twelve alternate members, whom the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) elects based on equitable geographical representation.
The Committee can take different measures to facilitate implementation and promote compliance, such as helping countries engage with relevant bodies or arrangements on finance, technology and capacity building or assist in the development of an action plan.