Parkes Shire Kerbside Bulky Waste Clean-up 2021

Parkes Shire

6th September 2021

Put out your bulky waste on Sunday 5 September.

Parkes Shire Council is providing a Kerbside Bulky Waste Clean-up to allow for the collection of larger items.

All Parkes Shire Council domestic residences currently receiving a waste and recycling collection service are eligible.

Items are to be placed neatly next to the edge of the kerb on Sunday 5 September 2021, ready for collection from 6 September 2021.

Collections may occur any day on week commencing 6 September and may not occur on the same day as your normal bin service.

Please secure items to avoid windblown littering. Organics and loose items must be tied securely with rope or string into bundles, or contained in sturdy boxes.

The total volume of waste presented for collection must not exceed two (2) cubic meters. Items must be able to be reasonably removed by two people.

Waste must be sorted into three separate piles:

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