As construction continues on our Civic Centre Redevelopment, we'll have some changes to parking between the Lilydale tennis courts and the Lillydale Lake entrance.
From mid-November until the end of 2020, our contractor will be working on the gravel carpark areas around the tennis court, the back of the Council offices and near the lake entrance.
These works will not impact any parking at Lillydale Lake from the Swansea Road entrance.
Carparks unavailable during this time are marked on pink in the map below.
The lower gravel carpark near the lake (marked in green) will remain available for community members, while the road leading to the lake entrance will remain open for drop-off and pick-up only (marked in yellow).
There are a significant number of car parks available near the Lilydale Skatepark, with the lake a short walk away via a shared path.
We appreciate your patience during this time.