Parks Canada Unveils Giant Floor Map for Nature, Culture Protection

Parks Canada

June 10, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario Parks Canada

The vast network of protected areas administered by Parks Canada is a gateway to nature, history, and 450 000 km² of stories from coast to coast to coast.

Today, on behalf of the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, the Honourable Mona Fortier, Member of Parliament, Ottawa-Vanier, Ron Hallman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Parks Canada, and Tim Joyce, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, Canadian Geographic unveiled the new Protecting Nature and Culture with Parks Canada Giant Floor Map. The unveiling was held at the headquarters of Canadian Geographic in Ottawa with the French Immersion Grades 5/6 class from Meadowlands Public School.

Parks Canada is always looking for a variety of ways to connect with Canadians and broaden awareness of Parks Canada administered places. Collaborating with other organizations on new and innovative programs and services enables more Canadians, including youth, to discover and develop a strong sense of connection, understanding and appreciation of protected places.

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