Parliamentary Report on Antisemitism Inquiry Released

February 13, 2025

Go8 universities are determined to take all necessary actions to both respond to and prevent antisemitism on


Our universities must be places where people can agree or disagree well, where everyone not only feels safe

and welcome but are. We cannot and must not tolerate antisemitic behaviour.

Whilst our universities did have long standing policies and procedures in place to address racism on campus

and provide support for students, staff and academics, clearly we need to do more and we are.

The Committee has highlighted where improvements can be made - including in complaints and reporting

processes and we take these recommendations seriously.

The Go8 is committed to delivering training on recognising and addressing antisemitism across our universities.

Go8 universities are currently rolling out training modules, developed by the Monash Australian Centre for

Jewish Civilisation, for both university leaders and frontline staff involved in student conduct and complaints

processes and student safety and wellbeing.

Our Board has also endorsed a working definition of antisemitism which is closely aligned and informed by IHRA

to be considered by individual members. This process is currently underway.

We remain committed to continue to work closely with the Australian Government and Special Envoy Jillian

Segal to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our Jewish students and staff.

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