Parrots Go Wild Ahead Of Migration

Tasmanian Government

28 Orange-bellied Parrots (OBPs) have been released into the wild ahead of what wildlife experts predict will be the largest-ever winter migration of the endangered bird species.

The captive-bred birds were released at Melaleuca during the annual Juvenile Release of the OBP Tasmanian Program managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania.

Last year, a record-breaking 92 birds returned to Melaleuca after their winter migration to Victoria. Together with 15 captive-bred birds released during the Adult Release in spring, the birds have produced 105 nestlings: the highest number since monitoring began in 1994.

"Our wildlife experts predict that over 200 Orange-bellied Parrots will migrate north this breeding season, which would set yet another record," Minister for the Environment, Madeleine Ogilvie, said.

"That's a remarkable turnaround compared to the 2015-16 breeding season, when only 15 nestlings were produced, and an estimated 35 birds migrated north.

"While these results are promising, we're not taking anything for granted, and are continuing to support the complex and innovative efforts to save the Orange-bellied Parrot."

The Tasmanian Government has invested $2.5 million to deliver the Five Mile Beach Captive Management Facility. Opened in 2019, the facility allows birds to be bred for release into the wild or to add to the captive insurance population.

As part of the 2023-24 State Budget, the Tasmanian Government has also invested $1.3 million into upgrades at the File Mile Beach facility and for the OBP Migration Tracking Project, which aims to better understand the migratory patterns of the bird.

Minister Ogilvie said that the goal of the Juvenile Release specifically is to increase the recovery speed of the Orange-bellied Parrot.

"Younger birds are less accustomed to life in captivity, meaning that they're more likely to learn important survival skills from wild birds," Minister Ogilvie said.

"In many ways, Melaleuca is a type of 'pre-school for birds', where birds socialise and learn important life skills ahead of their winter migration."

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