The Morrison Government will partner with the NSW Government to scope and trial electronic monitoring to strengthen justice responses to family, domestic and sexual violence.
The NSW Government is the first jurisdiction to state its intention to sign up to the Commonwealth's 2022-23 Budget initiative to establish a fund to support states and territories to trial technology solutions to keep women and children safe.
Minister for Women's Safety Anne Ruston said the Morrison Government would provide NSW with $3.5 million to scope and trial electronic monitoring that suits the needs of justice system within the state.
"One of our firm commitments under the next National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children has been to work with states and territories on how we can strengthen efforts to hold perpetrators to account," Minister Ruston said.
"A piece of paper will never keep a woman safe or make her feel safe unless she knows it will be enforced.
"Electronic monitoring is not the panacea to keep women safe but it is another tool in the tool kit as we seek to address the full life cycle of violence across prevention, early intervention, response and recovery."
NSW Minister for Women's Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence Natalie Ward said this collaboration formed part of both governments' commitment to reducing the prevalence of family, domestic and sexual violence.
"We all have a role to play in ending family, domestic and sexual violence. It is absolutely unacceptable that we continue to wake up to read horrific headlines about a women being killed at the hands of her partner," Mrs Ward said.
"We want to ensure our laws, operational activities and support structures are best placed to keep women and children in NSW safe.
"Through this partnership with the Commonwealth, we have the opportunity to investigate how innovative monitoring technologies might further enhance our protection systems."
This investment is part of the Commonwealth's $2.5 billion commitment to the First Action Plan 2022-2027, under the new National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, which is currently being finalised with states and territories.
These measures respond to significant stakeholder feedback during the 18-month consultation for the National Plan to strengthen the application of court orders and conditions.
If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit