Passport Application Fees Revised

UK Gov

The government will introduce new fees for passport applications on 10 April 2025.

The proposals, which are subject to approval by Parliament, will include the following:

  • the fee for a standard online application made from within the UK will rise from £88.50 to £94.50 for adults and £57.50 to £61.50 for children
  • postal applications will increase from £100 to £107 for adults and £69 to £74 for children
  • the fee for a Premium Service (1 day) application made from within in the UK will rise from £207.50 to £222 for adults and £176.50 to £189 for children
  • the fee for a standard online application when applying from overseas for a UK passport will rise from £101 to £108 for adults and £65.50 to £70 for children
  • overseas standard paper applications will increase from £112.50 to £120.50 for adults and £77 to £82.50 for children

The new fees will help the Home Office to continue to move towards a system that meets its costs through those who use it, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation. The government does not make any profit from the cost of passport applications.

The fees contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas, including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders.

Customers are advised that they should apply in good time before travelling .

In 2024, where no further information was required, 99.7% of standard applications from the UK were processed within 3 weeks.

Passport fees are reviewed in line with HM Treasury guidance .

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