Pedestrian Safety Works In Inglesby Road Car Park

Starting Monday 7 April, we'll be improving pedestrian safety in the car park opposite the Camberwell Customer Service building.

Construction is expected to take 2 weeks, depending on weather conditions.

Works include:

  • expanding the footpath to guide people to the main crossing
  • installing wheel stops in visitor and accessible parking spaces to keep cars from moving onto the footpath.

How this may impact you

Pedestrian access

The Camberwell Customer Service building will remain open, but access around the work site will be restricted.

Traffic controllers will direct pedestrians and vehicles around the work site during construction hours.

Please use the crossing opposite the Council Chamber at 8 Inglesby Road during this time.

Parking access

Visitor and accessible parking spaces near the pedestrian crossing opposite Camberwell Customer Service will be unavailable.

  • For visitor parking, please use the parking near the Council Chamber.
  • For accessible parking, please use the car park at the end of Inglesby Road near the Camberwell Customer Service building.


There will be some construction noise Monday to Friday from 7 am and 3 pm.

About the works

We have a duty to keep public spaces in Boroondara safe for everyone. We review these spaces to make sure our staff and community are protected.

These safety improvements are just one of many safety upgrades taking place across Boroondara.

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