Pembroke Vote: Verdict on Rockliff's Asset Sales

Tas Labor

People are disgusted by Jeremy Rockliff's plans to sell off Tasmania's assets, and the upcoming Pembroke election is a chance for them to tell him that.

It's shaping up as a referendum on privatisation.

The Labor Party will stand up against the Premier's fire-sale of Tasmania's state-owned assets at every turn, so Tasmanians can continue to rely on them.

Public assets like the MAIB, Metro, TasNetworks exist to help Tasmanians. They deliver services that Tasmanians rely on, and they provide income to the state budget every year that helps fund our hospitals and schools.

They don't exist for Jeremy Rockliff to flog off because he's wrecked the budget.

Privatisation leads to higher costs, and decreased services - always.

I've been having lots of conversations with Pembroke residents since Tuesday's announcement and not a single person has told me they want higher power bills, higher bus fares, and more expensive car registration.

Luke Edmunds MLC

Shadow Minister for Finance

Member for Pembroke

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