Pet Registrations Due Soon: Campaspe Shire

Animals and pets

Campaspe Shire Council has mailed out 9,778 animal renewals to dog and cat owners across the shire, which are due to be paid by 10 April 2025.

Campaspe Shire Mayor, Cr Daniel Mackrell said Victorian law required all dogs and cats, aged three months and older, to be microchipped and registered with their local council.

"It's important that pets are registered to safeguard them in the event they escape your premises and become lost," Cr Mackrell said.

Pets found wearing registration tags can easily be identified by council's animal management officers and returned to their owners.

When dogs and cats are registered, council keeps a record of the pet and its ownership details. These details can be changed on the pet's registration at any time.

It is also recommended that pets have separate ID tags on their collars with the animal's name and the owner's phone number and address. This helps both council staff and community members return lost dogs to their rightful owners.

"Registration also helps council to collect valuable information about local animal populations so that it can plan for, and fund programs and activities," Cr Mackrell said.

Pet registration fees contribute to providing important pet-related services delivered by Council. These services include a range of community education and animal management services, such as:

  • Supporting the collection and safe return of stray animals to their owners;
  • Attending nuisance complaints such as barking, wandering and trespassing pets;
  • Attending and investigating pet attacks and accidents;
  • Controlling dangerous, menacing and restricted breeding dogs to ensure that breeders comply with legislation and animals do not pose a threat to the community;
  • Patrolling parks and public spaces;
  • Training council staff and providing the appropriate tools for efficient animal management; and
  • Animal pound facilities.

    Council is required to pay the Victorian Government a levy for each dog and cat registered. These payments are used to:

  • Promote responsible dog and cat ownership;
  • Administer the Domestic Animals Act;
  • Support animal welfare; and
  • Conduct research into domestic animal management.

New pet owners are reminded to register their pet, with application forms easily accessible on Council's website or from customer service centres. Relevant documents such as a desexing certificate and/or microchip certificate must be presented when registering the pet.

It is vital that owners contact Council if their pet's registration information is incorrect or has changed; this includes if the animal has died, changed ownership or moved outside of the shire.

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