Enjoy a fun day out with your family, friends and special pets at Pets in the Park. This free event is on Sunday 6 April at Knox Park, Knoxfield.
This popular event is back this year and we are inviting pet owners and animal lovers along.
We have a great program lined up. Free entertainment and activities include:
- Exciting displays and demonstrations
- Kids' rides and activities
- Stage entertainment, including pet parade
- Pet care advice, products and services
- Reptile display
- Face painting and craft activities
- Pet photo booth
Check out stalls featuring an exciting range of gourmet pet food, accessories, toys, grooming and pet care.
Experience tasty food and treats from a variety of food trucks.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Pets in the Park event
When: Sunday 6 April
Time: 10am - 4pm
Where: Knox Park, Corner Bunjil Way and Ferntree Gully Road, Knoxfield
Find out more about Pets in the Park 2025 .
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