Philippines-Australia Agricultural Forum

Dept of Agriculture

On 17 March 2025, the 6th Philippines-Australia Agriculture Forum was held in Canberra. It was co-chaired by Ms Tina Hutchison, Deputy Secretary, Agriculture Trade and Regulation Group, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Atty. Asis G. Perez, Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and Regulations, Philippines Department of Agriculture.

The forum highlighted economic and trade relations between both countries. "It was great to host Atty. Perez and delegates in Canberra. It provided an opportunity to exchange views on key opportunities to further enhance our two-way trade and deepen agricultural cooperation, including through the implementation of Invested: Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040", said Ms Hutchison.

The Philippines was Australia's 10th largest agriculture, fisheries and forestry export market in 2024, valued at A$1.9 billion with an overall growth of 124% since 2020. This is equivalent to a 22% compound annual growth rate.

Between 2020 and 2024, Australian wheat exports to the Philippines increased in value by 298%. The value of vegetable exports increased in value by 83%, meat exports by 43%, dairy exports by 39%, and fruit by 14%.

Both countries reaffirmed their commitment to global food security through multilateral institutions such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Cairns Group.

Co-chairs recognised the significance of rules-based trade, and the need for a diverse approach to sustainability in the agricultural sector to support open, transparent and predictable trade outcomes.

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