Photoacoustic Imaging Enhances Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis Accuracy
Quing Zhu, working with Matthew Powell, MD, and Cary Siegel, MD, from the School of Medicine, developed a new imaging method to better diagnose lesions in the ovaries and adjacent adnexa that may help to avoid unnecessary surgeries. This image shows a woman with pelvic mass and BRCA1 mutation. The arrows point to the right and left adnexa. Co-registered ultrasound shows a cyst with solid component in the right adnexa (B). Image C shows the relative total hemoglobin in the lesion, and image D shows the oxygen saturation, both of which are important predictors of malignancy. Pathology revealed a stage I high-grade serous carcinoma of the right ovary and fallopian tube. (Image: Zhu lab)
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