There are upcoming planned multi-system outages.
Planned outages allow us to update and improve our systems.
Outage 1
Impacted systems:
- myplace participant portal
Start date and time
Saturday 15 March 2025, 12:01 am AEDT
Finish date and time
Sunday 16 March 2025, 01:00 pm AEDT
Outage window
37 hours
Outage 2
Impacted systems:
- myplace provider portal
Start date and time
Saturday 15 March 2025, 12:01 am AEDT
Finish date and time
Saturday 15 March 2025, 06:00 am AEDT
Outage window
6 hours
Outage 3
Impacted systems:
- myplace provider portal
Start date and time
Saturday 15 March 2025, 08:00 pm AEDT
Finish date and time
Sunday 16 March 2025, 12:00 pm AEDT
Outage window
16 hours
Outage 4
Impacted systems:
- my NDIS app
- my NDIS participant portal
- my NDIS provider portal
Start date and time
Saturday 15 March 2025, 04:30 am AEDT
Finish date and time
Sunday 16 March 2025, 01:00 pm AEDT
Outage window
32.5 hours
Impact on users
These systems will be down during the outage window. Please plan around this if required.
We are sorry for the disruption.
/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.