Significant changes in planning will come into effect at the end of the month, and locals are again encouraged to familiarise themselves with the NSW Government's online Planning Portal.
Under the changes, NSW Councils will no longer be able to accept a range of planning applications at the front counter or by e-mail, including; Development Applications, Section 4.55 Applications, Complying Development Applications, Construction Certificates, Subdivision Certificates, Occupation Certificates.
These documents will instead need to be lodged online through the NSW Government's Planning Portal.
Council's General Manager, Jay Nankivell, said applications would still be assessed locally, and Council would offer support for anyone struggling with online lodgement.
"Although all applications now have to be lodged through the NSW Government's online Portal, our staff will still process them," he said.
"Some people will be perfectly comfortable with the switch to online lodgement, but we recognise that everyone has different levels of computer literacy.
"We'll set up a kiosk with a computer and scanner next to the foyer in the Administrative Building, and anyone who needs help who can make an appointment and we'll have a staff member help them out."
The planning portal can currently be used by anyone seeking to lodge an application, and can be found here:
Users will need to register and verify an account. Once this is complete users will be able to access a user dashboard and lodge applications.
An FAQ around the Planning Portal and the switch to online lodgement can be found here(PDF, 158KB), and Council staff are available to assist with lodgements by appointment Tuesday-Thursday on 8080 3300.