The first in a new series of place plans designed to improve liveabiltiy, increase wellbeing and deliver economic growth was endorsed for exhibition at last weeks Council meeting.

The Karuah Place Plan will provide the framework for the growth of Karuah. Mayor Ryan Palmer said Karuah is a town on the move, with new housing, new business and increasing visitation.
"We know that more and more people are choosing Port Stephens as the place they call home. Demand for housing continues to grow and towns like Karuah provide a uique opportunity for growth," My Palmer said.
Strategic Planning Coordinator Brett Gardiner said the Karuah Place Plan identifies opportunity for the development of 800 new residential lots.
"Future growth areas have also been identified along with potential employment zones, which will help drive new business and new jobs," Mr Gardiner said.
"The Karuah Place Plan highlights opportunities for new housing and employment growth with a focus on protecting the valuable biodiversity of this unqiue area," he added.
"We know the community of Karuah places a high value on the natural environment – river, the wetlands and habitat corridors are what makes up the character of the place and we have worked hard to both protect and enhance these unique asssets," he added.
The Karuah Place Plan highlights opportunities to create a more vibrant town centre and includes an action plan where projects or ideas create places for people to connect with, discover and enjoy their community. These actions can be championed by our community – including community groups, local business, schools, clubs or individuals.