Work is underway for a review and proposed extension of Marmion Marine Park, Western Australia's first marine park, located on Perth's doorstep.
The proposed changes reflect the increasing popularity of the marine park and will allow for continued sustainable commercial and recreational activities such as fishing, tourism, diving, and boating.
The park will continue to protect intertidal and subtidal reef communities, seagrass beds, as well as important habitat for the endangered Australian sea lion and an array of bird species.
A detailed engagement process will be undertaken in partnership with traditional owners along with industry, government, other key stakeholder groups and the community. This will include consultation on the zoning and management arrangements for the marine park.
A Community Reference Committee and Sector Advisory Groups will be established to provide advice on the development of the draft indicative management plan, including the draft zoning scheme and other management arrangements for the marine park.
Expressions of interest are sought from suitably experienced people, including local Aboriginal people, to apply to be considered for membership on the Marmion Marine Park Community Reference Committee. The committee will be appointed by the Environment Minister and comprise of up to 12 members. Members will be selected based on their expertise, local knowledge or experience across a broad range of interest areas.
The Environment Minister will also appoint the Chair through this process.
Expressions of interest must be received by 5pm on March 2, 2022. More information is available at
As stated by Environment Minister Reece Whitby:
"There will be opportunities for the community to have their say on this proposal, with information sessions and community consultations being planned.
"The study area for the proposed expansion is from Trigg Point, northward to Two Rocks and westward to the three nautical mile limit of State waters.
"The proposed changes reflect the popularity of the park, which averages about 1.7 million visits per year."
As stated by Fisheries Minister Don Punch:
"The proposed extension of Marmion Marine Park supports the conservation of the State's aquatic environment.
"Western Australia is proud of its diverse and valuable commercial and recreational fisheries, and marine parks play a role supporting those industries.
"Noting the importance of our fishing sectors and fishers, a collaborative and consultative process is integral to the expansion of any marine park.
"Genuine engagement with our commercial, recreational and charter fishing sectors is planned through an extensive engagement process, and the State Government is committed to undertaking meaningful consultation with traditional owners, the fishing sectors and other stakeholders."