Planning Portal Adds Section 78 Casework

UK Gov

Five Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) now piloting expanded service with nationwide rollout planned from June 2025

We have expanded our casework portal trial to include Section 78 cases, marking a significant milestone in our organisation's digital transformation programme.

Successful pilot expansion

Following the successful implementation of the Householder Appeals Service (HAS) with five pilot LPAs, the casework portal is now being used to handle Section 78 appeals. This expansion represents the next phase in modernising and future-proofing our online appeal services.

Tom Warth, Head of Planning and Environmental Appeals Service at the Planning Inspectorate, said:

"The feedback and collaboration from our pilot LPAs has been invaluable in developing a system that truly meets user needs. This expansion to include Section 78 appeals demonstrates our commitment to creating a more efficient, accessible and user-friendly appeals process for all stakeholders."

The five LPAs participating in the pilot are:

  • London Borough of Barnet
  • Royal Borough of Greenwich
  • London Borough of Havering
  • London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
  • London Borough of Bromley

National rollout from June 2025

We are pleased to announce that following the pilot phase, the LPA casework portal will begin rolling out to all authorities across England from June 2025. The rollout will be conducted in tranches to ensure a smooth transition and appropriate support for each authority.

Benefits of the new appeals portal

The expanded digital service offers numerous benefits including:

  • Streamlined submission and management of appeals
  • Improved tracking and monitoring capabilities
  • Enhanced communication between all parties
  • Reduced paper-based processes
  • More efficient handling of casework

Preparing for the transition

We encourage LPAs to begin considering how this transition might affect their internal processes. Comprehensive training materials, guidance and support will be provided throughout the implementation period.

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