Playground Updates Continue Throughout Region

Bartlem Oval playground to receive new shade structure.jpg

Alf Kele Memorial Park, Wandal, and Bartlem Oval, Depot Hill, will receive updates as Rockhampton Regional Council continues its playground renewal program across the Region during March.

Parks, Sport and Public Spaces Councillor Cherie Rutherford said the works at the beloved parks in Wandal and Depot Hill are part of Council's efforts to update neighbourhood playgrounds.

"The cableway at Alf Kele Memorial Park, fondly known by locals as the Dinosaur Park, will be replaced after the popular piece of equipment has reached its end of life," Cr Rutherford said.

"At Bartlem Oval, a new shade structure is being installed, replacing the old sails, and giving permanent shade all year round.

"Both projects will start today and we expect these to be completed within a couple of weeks."

These works are in addition to the updates already taking place at Michael O'Hanlon Park, Lakes Creek, and Kerr Park, The Range.

"Our team is busy finishing updates to four different parks by the end of the month and I commend their hard work," Cr Rutherford said.

"While it may be our smallest residents who benefit most from the playground renewal program, we hope these works result in parks and playgrounds that families and neighbourhoods can enjoy.

"These projects are set to be completed just as the weather cools down which is the perfect time for the community to get out and test the new improvements and updates."

The playground at Bartlem Oval will be closed to the public from 10 March while the shade structure is installed. The playground at Alf Kele Memorial Park will remain open with just the cableway area sectioned-off.

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