Plibersek Faces Deadline on Robbins Island Wind Farm Approval

Tasmanian Government

Tanya Plibersek has been delaying her decisions on the Robbins Island Wind Farm since she became Minister in 2022, she cannot afford to do it again.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said March 7 is D-day for the Federal Labor Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek.

"In December she was still considering her decision and announced would extend the deadline into the new year on March 7. That's tomorrow, and we still don't know if she supports this project," Minister Duigan said.

"It's now becoming more and more clear that Minister Plibersek is planning to kick this can down the road until the election is called to make it someone else's problem.

"We should already know where the Federal Minister sits on this vital project vital for Tasmania.

"This decision can't wait until after the election. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Tanya Plibersek need to give Robbins Island Wind Farm the certainty it needs to proceed today, instead of leaving it in limbo."

In stark contrast, the Tasmanian Liberal Government is backing our productive industries and slashing red tape, under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

"The Tasmanian Liberal Government backs this project to the hilt," Minister Duigan said.

"This is an important project for Tasmania. It will be a massive boost for our renewable energy future. It will inject hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity, create jobs, and help Tasmania keep our power prices the lowest in the nation.

"The Robbins Island Wind Farm is among the most rigorous planning approvals in the world, and the final hurdle for it to go through is still sitting with Ms Plibersek.

"The clock is ticking."

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