PMA Brings Musical To Edinburgh Fringe Festival

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival this summer will include an original musical - "The Family Copoli" - written, performed and produced by alumni and students from the Department of Performing and Media Arts (PMA) in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Several people in costumes cluster together

Credit: provided

Cast of 'The Family Copoli"

The "post-apocalyptic burlesque and re-population play" is the brainchild of playwright Andy Colpitts '26, a doctoral candidate in PMA, and composer Michael Wookey. With a folk-pop score inflected with cabaret stylings and golden-aged Broadway callbacks, the musical explores entertainment at the end of days and the limits of family love.

A production of "The Family Copoli" was staged at the Schwartz Center in 2023 and the cast and crew say they are thrilled to be bringing a new iteration to an international stage.

The production is currently raising funds to cover expenses for the cast and crew. Visit their Indiegogo page to support.

Beatrice Fenyes-Gartenberg is communications coordinator for the Department of Performing and Media Arts.

Read the full story on the College of Arts and Sciences website.

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