Police Arrest Man After Fatal Assault On Frankston Pier

A man has been arrested by police following the death of another man on Frankston Pier this morning.

Officers were called to the pier, which runs off Pier Promenade, following reports of an assault halfway down the pier just after 6am.

Attending officers found a man injured and unresponsive on the pier. The man sadly died at the scene.

Another man was arrested by responding police on the foreshore nearby shortly after the incident.

He is currently assisting police with their enquiries.

The area has been cordoned off and a crime scene established.

Homicide Squad detectives are investigating and at this stage are not looking for anyone else in relation to the incident.

It is also believed the parties involved were not known to one another.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.

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