Police Arrest Man For Causing Bushfires In Riverland

A man has been arrested for allegedly lighting several bushfires in the Riverland.

At 11.15pm Saturday 15 March a fire was reported at Bookpurnong Road.

At 3.15am on Sunday 16 March a fire was reported on Katarapko Island.

At 6.15am three further fires were sighted at on Katarapko Island.

Patrols were searching the area after a man was seen acting suspiciously in the area and jumping in and out of the river.

PolAir assisted with the search and about 1.30pm, they located a man in the river, who was subsequently arrested.

The 48-year-old man from Bookpurnong is expected to be charged with cause bush fire.

He is undergoing a medical assessment and will appear in court at a date to be determined.

Investigations are ongoing and further charges are expected.

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