Police Arrest Two In Port Melbourne

Police have arrested two men in Port Melbourne this afternoon as part of an ongoing investigation into a series of offending in Melbourne's southern and eastern suburbs between December 2024 and March 2025.

Officers intercepted an allegedly stolen Lexus on Salmon Street about 12.35pm on 11 March.

Three police cars were used to prevent the stolen car from driving away, before the Lexus allegedly rammed two of the police cars and a civilian's vehicle.

Detectives extracted the driver and the passenger from the Lexus.

A taser and OC spray was deployed to effect the arrest of a 19-year-old Carrum Downs man and a 19-year-old Seaford man.

The Carrum Downs man was transported to hospital for assessment.

No police members were injured, and the vehicles involved sustained moderate damage.

It is understood the Lexus was stolen during an aggravated burglary on Jamieson Court, Cape Schanck between 10 March and 11 March.

It is expected both men will be interviewed by detectives this afternoon.

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